Hyper decontribution 250% – Waiting for…
Budget Law 2017
Hyper decontribution 250%
The new Budget Law 2017 introduces several measures including tax reduction for investments in the Industry 4.0, in particular it is expected a de tax operation of 250% for purchases in specific areas starting from January 2017 up to June 2018.
The difference from the previous decontribution, in addition to the extended bonus of up to 250%, is that the benefit is directed to the companies which will invest in high technology, research and development.
The 4127 Law project presented on October 29 2016 in addendum A and B specifies the products which benefit of tax reduction.
The law now it’s still under construction so changes are possible before the final approval in the 2017 Budget Law.
The IPS cloud supervision system meets the required characteristics, we are waiting for the confirmation by the end of 2016.